Another Tack: Back to Basics

Perhaps the greatest danger to Western civilization is moral relativism. Its basic premise is that there are no truths, just opinions. Our values are invariably belittled as vested interests. What our enemies promote is invariably elevated to the stature of the authentic yearnings of downtrodden masses.

History is downgraded to mere narratives, their factual base notwithstanding. Narratives of Third World authorship (including oil-rich potentates and Muslim clerics) are accorded credence, no matter how unfounded. Opposing narratives are disdainfully trashed, no matter how solidly founded on fact.

To ignore underlying postmodern distortion when grappling with the issues of the hour is to misread the hype.

TAKE FOR instance the latest flap on settlement construction versus recognition of the right of a Jewish state to exist in the narrow strip between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean. The de rigueur rationalization is that the demand for a total moratorium on any Jewish construction in Judea, Samaria and much of Jerusalem belongs to the laudable aforementioned category of the authentic yearnings of downtrodden masses. What Ramallah proffers (as its ever-increasing price for deigning to talk) must be acceded to.

Simultaneously, Jerusalem’s demand for recognition of the right of Jews to a state is extensively portrayed as an obstructionist pretext. Yet Israel merely asks that the Arabs belatedly accept 1947’s UN partition resolution, which provided for a Jewish state and which the Arabs violently violated. By still refusing to recognize Jewish-state legitimacy, ostensible peace partners reserve the right to Arabize the entity provisionally known as Israel.

Both supposed hindrances to the moribund negotiations go to the heart of the matter. Yet to understand this, we need to set aside the acquired postmodern contempt for history. The past is significant. The present is a direct ongoing attempt to resolve what was started yesteryear.

Without historical context there can be no valid evaluation of existential predicaments – certainly not of crucial continuities. That’s why those who seek to obfuscate and skew do their utmost to erase telltale fundamental perspectives and portray whatever they focus upon as vital isolated concerns.

The anti-settlement argument is that peace is contingent on Israelis staying inanimate and refraining from altering reality beyond the non-border (1949’s armistice line, the so-called Green Line). Otherwise they jeopardize US President Barack Obama’s magic remedy for all that ails the region but which had thus far eluded cure by lesser healers than himself.

However, contrary to Obama’s hubris, he’s no innovator.

This has been the Arab subtext since the very dawn of Zionism, though at different junctures the casus belli assumed different forms. In all instances the pro forma accusation was that Jews “change facts on the ground” – just as now.

On occasion, as currently, the outcry centered on settlements, or more specifically on land purchases. (Jews weren’t always accused of usurping Arab land. Sometimes their offense was buying stretches of wilderness for exorbitantly inflated sums.) At times it was immigration.

Often, it was both, as in the days of the infamous White Paper, published by Britain mere months before World War II erupted, when the Holocaust was about to be set in motion. Germany’s Jews were already shorn of citizenship and stateless. Hitler’s threats were well recorded, shouted in the world’s face and hardly kept a secret.

Besides its draconian curbs on Jewish land ownership, the Neville Chamberlain government’s White Paper also set a limit of 10,000 Jewish immigrants annually for a five-year period. It magnanimously allowed an additional 25,000 quota for the entire five years to allow for “refugee emergencies.” Any post-1944 Jewish entry would necessitate Arab permission.

MEANWHILE ARAB immigration into the Jewish national home continued unhindered. Itinerant Arab laborers flocked from the entire Arab-speaking world – from the Maghreb to Syria – to partake in what the Jews created here. Arab migrants were regarded as natives. The UN conferred “Palestinian refugee” status on any Arab who sojourned here two years prior to 1948. The Brits and their allies didn’t deem the Arab influx as “changing facts on the ground,” possibly because progressive Jews didn’t riot.

While panic-stricken Jews fled in desperation to escape Hitler’s hell, the White Paper encompassed all the helpfulness the international community could halfheartedly muster, lest “changes on the ground” transpire that would peeve the Arabs in and around the Jewish homeland.

Hitler mockingly invited the world’s democracies to receive his Jews, if they were so anxious about them. He knew that for all their moralizing rhetoric, these countries wouldn’t accept his provocative challenge. After 1938’s Anschluss, their representatives met in Evian-les- Bains, on Lake Geneva’s French shore, to decide what to do with Nazism’s frantic victims, pounding on their gates in search of asylum. They never even called them Jews, lest they incur the Fuehrer’s wrath.

It turned into a great Jew-rejection fest. Britain bristled at any suggestion of allowing Jews into what it mandated as the Jewish national home. Forebears of today’s Palestinian terrorists made sure endangered Jews wouldn’t be sheltered and his majesty’s government appeasingly assented.

The vast empty spaces of Canada, Australia and New Zealand were likewise off limits. American humanitarianism consisted of tossing the undesirable hot potato into the international arena, because the Jews weren’t wanted in the Land of the Free either.

FDR toyed with the notion of shipping German Jews to Ethiopia or Central Africa. The UK favored the jungles of Venezuela or Central America. Mussolini changed direction northward. Instead of exposing Berlin’s urbane Jews to the rigors of the tropics, he opined that the Siberian arctic might be a preferable hardship.

The competition was on: Who’d recommend a more remote and less hospitable exile in which to dump those whom the British Foreign Office shamelessly labeled “unwanted Jews.” The motivation wasn’t much more beneficent than Hitler’s initial choice of Madagascar.

The ultimate White Paper goal was the creation of a single bi-national state with power-sharing according to the proportion of Jews to Arabs as would exist by 1949.

Restrictions on Jewish immigration would preclude any “changes on the ground” until then – just what Obama purports to prevent by banning Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria.

Nevertheless, the Arab Higher Committee rejected said White Paper, demanding “a complete and final prohibition” on all Jewish immigration and unequivocal absolute repudiation of the Jewish national home.

Translated into today’s diplomatic parlance, this is equivalent to “the unconditional end to all settlement activity” and the unyielding refusal to recognize the right of a Jewish state to exist.

Therefore, both the current Jerusalem and Ramallah demands are anything but irrelevant. Both take us back to basics. Ramallah keeps evincing enmity. Jerusalem wants this enmity repudiated.
The bete noire that once was aliya is today called settlement, but by either name it intrinsically effuses identical antagonism toward Jewish presence. Jews are anathema, as is any habitat for them. Undercutting Jewish existence was and remains the Arab endgame.

This is still what it’s all about.

7 thoughts on “Another Tack: Back to Basics

  1. While the Arabs will ALWAYS attempt to erase us from history, thus extricating us from our homeland, the bigger question is-why are our leaders playing their deadly game?
    It is tragically true that many of our people are gripped by besieged mentalities, victims of the Oslo Peace/Death process.Be that as it may, it behooves the sane among us to hold our leader’s feet to the fire, demanding that they MAN UP.
    While ordinary citizens can (at times) afford to luxuriate in their fantasies, our leaders DARE not indulge in delusional thinking.
    The day that aliyah became intertwined with the canard ‘settlements’, is the day that our patrimony became imperiled.The day that they parrotted the ‘occupation’ pejorative, is the day our legacy was stolen.
    The fact that world powers accept the Arab ‘Nakba’ revisionist narrative is of piece with two underlying pathologies-latent anti-semitism AND their thirst for oil.
    Therefore, hammering our leaders to speak historical truth to power, in tandem with reinstituting Jabotinsky Zionist ethos in our classrooms, is not only right, but an existential imperative.After all, IF they do not do so, who the hell will?
    PC mantras be damned!!

  2. Re. Undercutting Jewish existence was and remains the Arab endgame.

    Another super article, better than whatever else is around. But when the dots are connected, the Arabs could do nothing without Christian fostering: the European Heil Hitler salutes at the UN Madarassa must never be candy-coated. A spade is a black dish with a short handle.

    Post-W.W.II European Christian crimes:

    1. The corruption of the Balfour: wanna buy 80% of a tiny land as a 2-state ‘COMPROMISE anyone?’

    2. The European re-dumping of the name Palestenian after 2000 years onto those blatantly panting for another genocide of Jews – oops, I mean Zionists.

    3. The calling of a 3-state as a 2-state today. Euro-maths soecifically for Jews.

    4. No UN Resoultion of the greatest crime in the UN’s history: the multi-state Arab attacks with a declared goal of genocide on the UN established state of Israel. Short of letterheads?

    5. The eyed-eyed-jack obsession of Pretend Pal refugees and the silence of Jewish refugees from Arab lands – deemed greater than the entire Arab refugee charade by the UN. Its a triple-hank job for refugees with nore options and facilities than any other on the planet.

    6. The silence to Jews being barred in Islamic states. Lets have signs again: DOGS & JEWS FORBIDDEN IN HEBRON AND JERUSALEM?

    Can the peoples who perpetrated such crimes, and who’s VE VERE NOT AVARE has been so blatantly exposed, ever climb a salvation mountain with such baggage – even by their nails?

    There is none judging the crimes of Christianity and Islam. But then again: Eurabia is happening – using the same weapons Europe planned for the Jews; the Islamic regime states have been reduced to the lowest productive lands in Geo-History – despite all the lands and oil for nought. History is repeating itself – ingloriously again.

    ‘AND THOSE WHO CURSE YOU…’ applies.

  3. Whereas the British were once the governing power to limit Jewish growth in pre 1948 Israel the Israeli government has replaced them.
    They abuse fellow Jews whose only crime is building homes on their ancient homeland, obeying God.
    The secular Zionists were too weak and fearful to annex Judea and Samaria.
    They now demoralize the only true remaing Zionist’s who are trying to build up the land as they only target Jewish homes and Synagogues for demolition and never illegal Arab homes.
    CAn you ever imaging a secular Israeli government ever tearing down an illegal Arab mosque?
    It is an impossibility with the weak and fearful leaders like Barak only have the guts to declare war on fellow Jews,all for a counterfeit peace and to please their Washington Pimps.
    The Quisling Israeli government which serves everyones interests but Israel’s would make the old Nazi’s envious.

  4. Excellent article.

    Human naivety and what we call brain washing go hand in hand. The Arab narrative is largely accepted without question. The average person in the street gets his information from the TV…ask this person on another day what he thinks of the media and usual response is not flattering. This is strange…people accept easily the bias in reporting the Middle East and Israel but seem more aware of bias in media reporting in other areas.

    S H Cohen

  5. Dear Sarah,

    Stop whining about “us”.

    “We” have put ourselves in the corner carefully designed for us, since 1982, by Begin, Sharon, Rabin, Barak, and today, Livni and others.

    We have systematically and pettily deprived ourselves of any moral standing toward the Palestinians living in our neighbor — excluding, of course, the remarkable and praiseworthy fact that our “occupation army” never raped Palestinian women, as the American “liberators” did with French women in 1944 and, most terribly, Russian “liberators” did at the same epoch with German and other women, millions of them — even those coming from nazi camps.

    Under the American pressure, we have willingly closed our eyes on the fact that the “justice” toward, and “peace” with our “Arab neighbors”, such as Egypt, Syria and Jordan is a secondary matter compared to the solution, sure on our terms but with wisdom and with our best human touch, in the spirit our Jewish sensibility and empathy toward the all downtrodden (your term), of the Palestinians living on the LIBERATED by us in 1967 territories — liberated from the Egyptian occupation, from the Jordanian final and absolute discrimination, and from the Syrian aggression toward us.

    With my best regards and my profound respect.

  6. Dear Sarah,
    I came here because I couldn’t find your column at Jerusalem Post. There is only Larry Derfner’s learing face every day and I run. Did JPost ban you or something?
    You speak too much Truth. The Truth the world wants so desperately to forget.
    With sincere respect.

  7. To Iam Joseph: The Lord of hosts shall judge. In fact, He is judging now, as the EU is just beginning to discover. They will soon be suffering under Shari’a for their crimes. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision…The Lord shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem: and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So shall ye know that I am (JHVH) the Lord, your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall be no strangers pass through her anymore. Joel Ch3

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